My Personality Type
My personality type is ESTP which means that I like to be actively involved to solve the problem at hand. It also means that I only worry about the present and that textbooks and books bore me, I learn the most when I am actually doing the lesson actively. I am very outgoing and friendly and I have a lot of energy. I enjoy doing things that are adventurous and spontaneous. I am also flexible and tolerant and can take most situations and find a way to make it work. Eddie Murphy and I share this type.
I believe this Personality Type is pretty much spot on. I think the part that says I am actively involved is 100% true. The part that I think is slightly off is that I am not as outgoing in class as it might think. I think this does explain soccer because i do enjoy to be actively involved. That also explains the reason that I hate baseball because it is so boring and inactive.
This character type makes me really involved in team sports which means I am good in that type of environment. I am also outgoing with family which is very good. When the type of group matches my personality type things turn out very good! When it doesn't match up, the outcome is risky. In my life I never really liked my neighbors because all they told me was boring fun facts and I didn't enjoy it and this personality type explains that a little better. Some people also think that I would like baseball but in all honesty i hate it, and I am so bored when playing or watching it.
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