Soler Shoes
My group and I made our invention as Soler Shoes, and my group consisted of Kaylee, Kris, Makenna, and I (Evan). For the project I did the website, the typography, and starred in the video.Website

In the Graphic Design portion, I constructed the website. With the colors of the website, I tried to integrate it straight from our banner and logo, so I took out samples and used them. I used these colors because they represent how Soler is integrated with the sun. As far as content goes, I tried to make it blend in with our ads, animation, video, and any other media we put in.
For the information all throughout the website, I tried to do some laid back headings and then more formal and informational paragraphs.
For the animation portion of the project, I did the typography for the group. In the typography, my goal was too show our name and logo as the main focal point. I integrated a changing color scheme to the letters just like it does in the logo to make it blend together. I also did a street going down the center of the cube, below the logo/letters. I did a street because it represents our motto, which is, "Number one on your feet and number one on the street."
In the video, I featured as the main character. The main purpose of the ad was to show two scenes, a before and an after scene. The before scene shows the average runner, running with shoes from our competitors. The after scene shows the average runner with the advantages of owning Soler Shoes over the other brands. I tried to act this out as best as I could, and overall, I think we were able to get our point across, and we were able to show the amazing features of the product.
Review Over The Year
Over the course of the year, I was able to gain the necessary skills to complete this project successfully. In animation, I learned how to use SketchUp in order to create a symbolic work of typography to display in the animation. In video I learned how to use Final Cut Pro and the 6 Shot Sequence to create a video that is inviting and informational. In graphic design I learned how to use both Adobe Dreamweaver and Adobe Illustrator to try and come up with ideas on logos and to build a running website. Our group also was matched together due to our differences in personality. When these differences were all brought together, we were able to create something truly inspiring. I was a lion so I tried to take control of the group and be the leader as much as I could. Also, before the project even began, we filled out a group contract which bound us to our work, and to work as hard as possible to get the quality work done. The contract definitely paid off because the finished product looks amazing!
The scope of the project was to create a realistic product, and back that product up with multiple displays of designs. We did this with proper use of the tools given to us, and we wanted to create something that actually helped us out, as well as something we were interested in. It all started with the pre-production where we threw around ideas until we came up with the Soler Shoe and the logo. Then we got to work constructing all the necessary graphic design pieces until we moved on to video. In video, we pitched ideas about the commercial and decided that a comparison or before and after video would best suit our cause. Once filming was done, we moved onto animation and tried to create sketch ups of our product and its packaging, typography, and animation. This process involved much trial and error, and even when we were completely done, we revised many things. I continuously tried to fix up the website and tried to make it the best that it could be. I learned patience and collaboration throughout all this, because even if things don't look good at first, we kept trying and worked together, and in the end, we could not be happier with the projects we have created. I also learned the necessary skills to succeed in future years such as the use of software in Adobe Dreamweaver.
If I could do anything different next time, it would probably try to give a better presentation and try to create a better video. I would do this because in the presentation, I thought that it was not nearly as good as it could've been, and for the video, the acting and clips could've been much better. What I would do the same is probably the website because I just am so happy and proud of it, that I would hardly change anything with it at all. From this project I gained more knowledge of software for the future, as well as skills to work in a group for periods of time, whether it is short or long periods. I will transfer this experience over to next year to become the best at E-Communications that I can be.
It's been a great year, and I am sad that I have to leave the program for three months, but I am so excited for next year to come because this class excites me, and it is what wakes me up in the morning. I wake up excited for E-Comm because it is always refreshing to be created something new all year long. It is an amazing feeling to create something that you can call your own and I am excited to do it again next year. I will pass on what I know to my brother who will hopefully be entering E-Comm next year as well.
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